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How To Reduce Belly Fats By Yoga

How  To  Reduce  Belly  Fats  By  Yoga Exercise

11 Yoga Exercises For Belly Fats

Have you had a belly problem? Does it hurt to bend abdomen? Do you also breath while walking or climbing stairs? If this is the case, then you are under the grip of overweight or, say, obesity. It has been confirmed in many scientific researches that obese people may be prone to diseases like diabetes, heart disease, stroke, arthritis, high blood pressure and joint pain.

Do not panic, our aim is not to scare you, but to alert you. In this article, we have brought a solution to your same problem. Here we will talk about Yogasanas for reducing stomach, whose regular practice can not only reduce obesity, but can also get rid of other diseases.

Some yoga poses are below that can very helpful to reduce belly fats :


1. Tadasan

First of all, stand up straight and keep your legs, waist and neck straight.

Now hold the fingers of the hands above the head, and pull the whole body upwards while taking a deep breath. The palms should be in the direction of Assam.

Also, lift the ankles up. The balance of the entire body should come to the feet.

During this, feel the stretch from the toes up to the hands.

Remain in this state for a few seconds and breathe in and out at normal speed.

Then slowly come back to the first position.

At least two to three cycles of this kind can be done at once

benefit -

 By doing this Yogasan, the excess fat stored in the whole body starts decreasing.

The body is shapely and nature starts coming in shape.

People between six and 20 years must do this easy. This can help in increasing stature.

This yoga is very good for back pain. Also, pain in muscles, knees and feet is also relieved.

Regular practice of Tadasana increases concentration.


2. Trikonasan 

Stand about two feet between your two feet. Keep both hands directly with the body.

Now, spread your arms away from the body to the shoulder and while breathing take the right hand up and close it with the ear.

After this, while slowly exhaling, bend from the waist to the left. During this, the right hand should be adjacent to the ear and do not bend the knees.

Now try to bring the right hand parallel to the ground. Also try to touch the left ankle with the left hand.

Stay in this posture for about 10-30 seconds and keep breathing at normal speed.

Then take normal breath.

In the same way, do it on the right side.

You can do three to four cycles like this.

Benefit -

It is best in the form of Yogasan (pet ki charbi kam karne ke liye yoga) to reduce the fat of the waist and abdomen.

Like Tadasana, doing this also feels a stretch in the whole body.

While doing this on one hand communicates new energy in the body, the lungs are also healthy and able to function better.

By doing this, problems like backache and sciatica can be cured.

Also, it is an excellent asana for problems like constipation and acidity.

This yoga makes the muscles of the body flexible and can also reduce stress.


3. Pasvakonasan

First you stand up straight and then make a distance of about three to four feet between the two legs.

After this, wash the right leg in a 90 degree angle.

Then while taking a deep breath, bring the arms away from the body and bring them to the shoulders.

Now while exhaling, bend the right knee to a 90 degree angle and bend to the right.

Now try to put the right hand on the ground behind the right foot. If you have trouble keeping your hands on the ground, try touching the ground with your fingers.

At the same time, try to bring the left hand closer to the ear by bringing it in 60 degrees and try to see the fingers of the left hand. During this, he breathed normally.

Stay in the same position as possible and then take a breath and return to normal posture.

After this repeat the same process on the left side.

Benefit -

With the help of this asana, body weight can be reduced easily.

It is best in yoga kamasana (pet ki charbi kam karne ke liye yoga) to reduce belly fat.

This Yogasan helps in reducing the fat of the waist and thighs.

Parshkonasana also relieves constipation and acidity by improving the digestive system.

This makes the ankle and knee strong.


4. Padahastasan

Stand straight on the yoga mat by connecting the legs together and keep the hands also straight.

Now raise your hands while breathing.

After this, while exhaling, bend forward and try to keep both palms close to the ground with the feet.

Also try to apply your forehead with knees.

Hold the breath in this state. Keep in mind that the area below the waist should not be turned.

Stay in this posture for a few seconds and then take a breath and rise up and try to bend backwards while moving your hands up.

After this, bend forward while exhaling. Do this about three to four times.

Benefit -

While doing this asana, there is pressure in and around the stomach, due to which the fat stored there starts to decrease.

Stretches are felt in the back, hips and thighs, due to which they are strong.

Problems like headache and insomnia are relieved and mental stress is also reduced to some extent.

The digestive system starts functioning better, due to which problems like gas, acidity and constipation are eliminated.

Do it in the form of yoga to reduce stomach.


5. Surya Namaskar posture

*Pranam Asana: Stand upright on the yoga mat and keep your hands in the posture of salutation near the chest.

*Hastautanasana: Now while breathing, raise your hands up and close it near the ear and try to lean back.

*Padahastasana: After this, while exhaling, bow down on the stomach and try to keep the palms on the ground. Also, try to touch the forehead with the knee without bending the knees.

*Ashva Sankalanasana: Then take a breath and sit on the right foot and move the left leg back. In this posture, put the left knee on the ground.

*Parvatasana: Now exhaling, move the right leg back and lift the body from the middle. In this pose, try to touch your ankles from the ground and keep the arms straight.

*Ashtangasana: After this, take a breath and lie down on the ground. In this state only the chin, chest and knees will touch the ground. Keep the abdomen and hips raised.

*Bhujangasana: Now without lifting or exhaling, lift the upper part of the waist up to the abdomen. During this time the palms will remain close to the ground.

*Parvatasana: After this, while exhaling, again you will lift the body from the middle and try to touch the ankles from the ground. Also keep the arms straight.

*Ashwala Sankalanasana: Then while breathing, bring the left leg forward and sit on it and keep the right leg straight. Place the right knee close to the ground.

*Padhastasan: Now exhaling, bring the right leg forward and keep the palms close to the ground and the forehead close to the knees.

*Hastautanasana: Then breathe in, raise the hands and body up and try to lean back.

*Pranam Asana: At the end, come straight in the posture of salutation.

In this way a cycle of Surya Namaskar will be completed. You can do 20-25 cycles at a time like this.

Benefit -

Surya Namaskar reduces obesity and those who are not obese keep their weight balanced.

This is the best yoga for healing the digestive system.

By doing this, physical and mental stress is reduced.

This yoga body activates the whole body.

If you are short of time, then doing this yoga yoga alone exercises all the organs at once.

If there is any pain in the body, then it goes away by doing Surya Namaskar.


6. Kapalbhati posture

First of all, sit in Sukhasana and close your eyes.

Now you have to exhale slowly through your nose. While exhaling, the stomach should go inside you.

Keep in mind that you just have to leave the breath and not take it. During this time keep the mouth closed. The process of breathing takes place on its own.

Keep doing this for as long as possible.

In this way, you can do about five to ten rounds.

Benefit -

This reduces belly fat and balances weight.

Digestive system is right, due to which stomach problems start to go away.

Relief from gas, acidity and constipation etc.

Facial glow and the effect of increasing age is less.


Those who have high blood pressure or heart disease should not do kapalbhati.

Epilepsy, hernia and respiratory patients should also not do this.


7. Uttanapadaasana

Uttan means uplifted and foot means feet. In this posture, the feet are slightly raised, hence it is called Uttanapadaasana. This is an important posture for lying down.

On the yoga mat, lie straight on the waist and keep the hands close to the body.

The direction of the palms should be towards the ground.

Now taking long deep breaths will raise the legs up to an angle of about 30 degrees.

Be careful not to move the head.

The legs have to be raised so much that they do not see us.

Stay in this position for about 30 seconds and keep breathing and exhaling slowly.

After this, while taking long deep breaths, bring the feet down and relax.

Do this asana about three to four times.

Benefit -

This asana is the best way to reduce obesity.

This keeps the navel in place and the digestive system works well.

While doing this Yogasan, there is pressure on the abdominal muscles, which makes it strong.

With this help, abdominal abs can be made without going to the gym.

Those who have complaints of gas, acidity, constipation and indigestion, etc., should do this yoga practice.

This strengthens the muscles of the waist and infuses new energy into the body.


It should not be done during pregnancy.

Those who have had an abdominal operation, they should also avoid it.


8. Pawanmuktasan

You lie flat on your back on the yoga mat. Hands should be adjacent to the body.

First take a long deep breath, bend the right leg and try to apply it to the chest while holding the knee with both hands.

Then exhale, raise the head and try to touch the nose with the knee.

Remain in this state for a few seconds and then exhale and bring the feet and head to the ground.

Similarly, do it with left leg and then do it with both feet simultaneously.

Such can do at least five to ten cycles.

Benefit -

This asana reduces the fat of the stomach and makes it flat.

By doing this, the accumulated gas in the stomach is removed and it also provides relief from acidity and constipation.

It makes the spine strong. In addition, the lungs also work well.


9. Dhanurasan

On the yoga mat lie on your stomach and while exhaling bend the knees and try to hold the ankles with hands.

Now try to lift the head, chest and thighs while breathing.

You can lift the body as high as you can.

After reaching the final stage, try to put the entire weight of the body on the lower abdomen.

Then try to reduce the distance between the two legs.

Stay in the same posture for some time and keep breathing and exhaling slowly.

Finally return to normalcy, exhaling long and deep.

Four to five such cycles can be done at one time.

Benefit -

If you want to lose weight, then try this yoga as well.

Diabetes patients should also do this Yogasan. This yogasan balances the level of insulin in the body.

People with asthma and back pain can also do this yoga practice. He starts seeing positive effects in some time.

Those who repeatedly complain of falling of navel or constipation, they can also do it.

Thyroid patients can also do this yoga practice.


Those who have severe back pain should avoid Dhanurasan.

If you have a hernia or have stomach ulcers, do not do this asana.

Do not do it even if you have complaints of sciatica or stones.


10. Halasan

To do this, lie down at the waist and keep your hands with the body.

Now slowly raise your feet and bring it up to 90 degree angle.

Now while exhaling, raise the back as well as the legs and try to touch the thumb from the ground while moving the legs back.

This currency is similar to plow in the field.

Stay in this posture for as long as possible and then slowly return to normal state and rest.

You can do this three to four times.

Benefit -

This is the best yoga to get rid of obesity.

Apart from this, this Yogasana brings a glow to the face and gives relief to those who have problems of hair loss.

This asana can also be done in diseases like constipation and hemorrhoids.

Those who have problems with thyroid and diabetes can also do it.


11. Embalming

After doing all Yogasan, lie down on the yoga mat and close your eyes.

Keep a distance of one or two feet between the two legs and keep the hands spread slightly away from the body.

The palms should be facing upwards.

Now keep breathing and exhaling slowly and keep full attention on the movements of the breath.

Then take your attention one by one to all the organs from the feet to the head and feel that you are getting free from all kinds of stress. Every body part is getting rest.

Stay in this state for some time and when you feel that the body has been relaxed and the mind is calm, then sit on the left side with the help of hands and slowly open your eyes.

Benefit -

Shavasana is also a kind of meditation. By doing this, your mind becomes focused.

Helps to relieve stress and lightens the body.

Doing yoga helps to normalize the tiredness and stretchiness in the muscles.

Those who worry a lot or feel restless, they should do the shavasana.

These yoga poses can give you  high volume benefits for healthy life.
